Abdulaziz Al-Mogbil
Energy Observer
Abdulaziz is a prominent Public Saudi figure on Energy and Climate issues. An avid reader of the energy sector on a global scale. A public speaker for major energy issues for the chamber of commerce, municipalities and many other entities. A Geophysical Modeling specialist with a passion for the Energy industry business who holds a B.S Degree in Geophysics from the University of the Pacific and an M.S Degree in Geophysics from KFUPM and a Higher Education Diploma in Geophysics and the Oil Business from the Institute Française du Pétrole ( IFP- School ). For the past 15 years Abdulaziz has been an avid observer in the E&P activities in the MENA region. His daily activities involved reporting on the regional competitors activities in the Upstream Sector as well as reporting quarterly updates on updated Business activities globally and in the region. These duties required the monitoring of all oil and gas discoveries in the Middle East, North Africa and global frontier areas. Abdulaziz has been tasked with observing business trends and visions of the O&G upstream business. This required an overall understanding of the oil markets and associated value chains. Abdulaziz has published numerous articles and reports related to Energy and the Oil and Gas markets.